Are you stressed thinking what you are going to feed your baby? Do you cringe at tasting jarred baby food and you only give it to your baby because you think he or she doesn’t know the difference? Then learn how to make nutritious homemade baby food recipes and you will not only give him the healthy benefits but will also help you save a lot of money.
According to experts, a 4 month old baby can start solid foods in combination with breastfeeding. However, some say that it is safer to start it on the 6th month of your baby’s age. Baby food recipes to ideally start are rice porridge, mashed potatoes or bananas, or pureed apple. The recipe includes simple easy-to-digest foods such as cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Foods other than milk are really not important during the early months of his life. So there is absolutely no hurry to start solid foods. It is also ideal to create your own baby food recipes just like what you did when you were making your pregnancy diet plan to save money.
What You Should Not Forget When Making Baby Food Recipes
Always wash your hands, clean cooking utensils thoroughly, disinfect the preparations surface and wash the ingredients. Cleanliness is a must since the one who will eat the food preparations still has a sensitive tummy.
Give your baby the same homemade baby food for 4 days to test for allergies. So don’t give more than 1 type of food at a time.
Don’t prepare solid foods that can cause aspiration. Some examples include raw vegetables, peanuts, popcorn, candies, meat, and grapes.
After feeding, air can cause discomfort to your baby and may cause reflux or vomiting after feeding. Avoid it by carrying him safely against your shoulder with your hands firmly supporting his head and back then gently rub his back. Another way to this is by positioning him on his stomach on your hand supporting his back.
The safest thing to do before introducing solids to your baby is to discuss this with your paediatrician.